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Asbestos Information

White Lung Association -- This is the very best organization around for information about asbestos. There is nothing about asbestos due to the plane crashes, but tons of general information on where asbestos is used, what the dangers are, and the politics of all of it.

Asbestos Safety Information from the White Lung Association (9/18/01)

NIOSH: Listing of Asbestos Articles

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards: Asbestos

HHS Fact Sheets on Dust, Debris and Asbestos Available
          Factsheet on Asbestos
          Factsheet on Dust and Debris

OSHA: Asbestos and Other Hazards Protection for Rescue Workers
Does not seem to be specific to Sept 11th.
Includes extensive listing of documents on asbestos, emergency response, fire safety, protective equipment, and silica.

NYCDOH: Asbestos (ACM) Fact Sheet

Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute -- Rutgers University NEW!

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Cyndi Norwitz / webmaster@immuneweb.org / Last Modified: 10/20/01