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Detox scientific papers

by Richard Byrd
December 1995

"Body Burden Reductions of PCBs, PBBs and Chlorinated Pesticides in Human Subjects." Schnare, Ben, Shields. Ambio, vol 13 #5-6, 1984

Seven Michigan residents in the study, all contaminated with PBB's following the cattle feed supplement pesticide mixup in 1978. Samples of adipose tissue were taken prior to start of, immediately following, and 4 months after completion of detoxification. 16 chemicals were tested for. Seven of the chemicals had statistically significant reductions immediately following. All 16 were at lower levels in the 4 month follow-up, ten of the 16 statistically significant. The average reduction was 42.4%.

"Occupational, Environmental, and Public Health in Semic: A Case Study of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Pollution." Tretjak, Beckmann, Tretjak, Gunnerson. Post-Audits of Environmental Programs and Projects, Proceedings, Environmental Impact Analysis Research Council, ASCE, October 11, 1989

"Xenobiotic Reduction and Clinical Improvements in Capacitor Workers: A Feasible Method." Tretjak, Root, Tretjak, Slivnik, Edmondson, Graves, Beckmann. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, A25 (7), 731-51, 1990

(both report on same study)

Six workers exposed to PCBs and related chemicals at an electrical capacitor factory in Slovenia. Control groups of similarly exposed individuals and unexposed individuals. Four of the control group did a modified version of the detox program. Similar testing to the previous study. PCB levels in the treated group decreased by a statistically significant average 20.5%. The control group levels rose by 1.3%. The treated individuals experienced a marked decrease in symptoms. Skin tests for cellular hypersensitivity found the treated patients had an abnormally low immune response prior to treatment which returend to normal following the treatment.

"Neurobehavioral Dysfunction in Firemen Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Possible Improvement after Detoxification." Kilburn, Warsaw, Shields. Archives of Environmental Health, Nov/Dec 89, vol. 44 no.6, pages 345-350

14 firemen exposed to PCBs in a fire were tested before and 6 weeks after detoxification with neurophysiological and neuropsychological tests. Significant improvements were measured in memory tests and other cognitive function and perceptual motor speed tests.

"Evaluation of a Detoxification Regimen for Fat Stored Xenobiotics." Schnare, Denk, Shields, Brunton. Medical Hypotheses, 9: 265-282, 1982

103 individuals received testing for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, IQ, and psychological profile (MMPI) before and after detox. A control group of 19 was used. The individuals involved were not preselected as having any particular exposure or illness. There were statistically significant reductions in high blood pressure and in cholesterol levels, increases in IAQ (6.7 points average), and psychological profile.

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