Hotmail Directions
The Hotmail mailer changes the subject header of your messages. You will have
to change it back in order to subscribe.
After requesting a subscription, you will get a message with the following
subject (note that the ID number is different every time):
Subject: List Auth Request ID=<x352d30fe.515.erIoLN4g> REJECT
When you reply to the message, Hotmail changes it to:
Subject: Re: List Auth Request ID=-x352d30fe.515.erIoLN4g- REJECT
Note that the <>'s were replaced with --'s. When you edit the subject header
to accept your subscription, you must do two things:
- Change REJECT to ACCEPT (must be in all caps)
- Change the first - to a < and the second - to a >
Your final outgoing subject header will look like this (remember you must
use the ID from your subscription attempt; do not use the one in this example):
Subject: List Auth Request ID=<x352d30fe.515.erIoLN4g> ACCEPT
Cyndi Norwitz /
/ Last Modified: 12/23/07