Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Mylagic
Roger Burns' CFS/ME Homepage -- Home of the Chronic Fatigue mailing list, CFS-L. Extensive references and links, including gateways to newsgroups, FAQs, information for doctors, news,
RESCIND -- Repeal Existing Stereotypes about Chronic, Immunological and Neurological Diseases. Links and information, much of it related to activism
Co-Cure: Cooperate and Communicate for a Cure -- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Information Exchange. Tons of resources, articles, archives. Associated mailing list; research findings, doctor lists, technical information, activism, with no discussion
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia Guide
Chronic Fatigue Factsheet for Medical Practitioners -- and other articles for laypeople and professionals in the UK
Center for Disease Control site for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- The official definition of CFS for the US
ME Association Web Pages for Young People and Their Parents -- UK
CFIDS Youth Alliance -- Resources and support
CFIDS Emergency Relief Services -- Doc Katz's site to assist people with CFS in need
National CFIDS Foundation -- Newsletter, articles
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Radio Show -- Transcripts from the show. Hear the show via Real Audio
CFS DAZE -- Cute interactive game where you try to get through a day without losing too many stamina points. Javascript, doesn't seem to work on my Mac with Netscape
Dr. Cheney's Medical Articles for CFIDS -- Information on various supplements, treatments, and tests
Yahoo - Health: Diseases and Conditions: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome