I am doing this website by myself, with lots of fantastic input from various folks, mostly on the Immune Mailing List. I could really use your help. If you can help with any of the below, please write me at cyndi@immuneweb.org. Thank you!!!
I need people to go once a day (every day) to each of the major news outlets,
including environmental and alternative news sites. And to each of the government
agency sites. The first day at most sources will need to include searches
back to 9/11. Look for articles, press releases, and other information regarding
toxins in these attacks.
I don't need the full article, just the exact URL to take me right to the
document, and the date and title of the article or press release.
Can any of you volunteer to do this? Please let me know which places you will cover and if you will need a replacement if you are unable at any point to continue.
Here are some examples of places I need covered. It is not a complete list. Most of these sites have no articles or press releases of note. Some of the government sites have a page with all the new ones and it takes 30 seconds to check each day. With the news sites you'll have to look at their front pages, speciality pages, and use the search engine (I suggest the keywords, "asbestos" and "smoke," run separately). Go back to 9/11 in your searches if this is your first time. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes per day per source. It's too much for me to do alone, but with help, we can get it done. Thanks!
TV websites (check out my News section):
BBC (UK) (covered by Susan Beck)
CBC & CTV (Canada) (covered by Susan Beck)
Other Canadian sources
Other international sourcesPrint/text News Websites (check out my News section):
Reuters & Today's articles (for each section, click on "additional articles" (gone through 2pm 9/20)
Planet Ark (covered by Cyndi Norman)
LA Times
NY Times & Newsday (covered by Barb Rubin)
Independent Media Center and NYC version
Other papers in the US
International papersGovernment Sites for Press Releases (check out my Government section):
HHS (covered by Cyndi Norman)(10/9)
FEMA (NY and DC subpages) (10/9)
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (nothing there as of 10/6)
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) (nothing there as of 10/6)
OSHA (10/9)
EPA (10/9)
NYC Mayor's office
NYC Dept of Health (10/9)
NY Gov and other officials