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Before and During Pictures


6/27/98 - Dancing with my sweetie at his sister's wedding. I got the pictures back in late July and within a couple days I had started lowcarb. This was not the look I wanted for myself. 6/27/98 - To be fair, angle is everything. This picture was taken a couple hours before the other one. I look a lot better, but still not as nice as below.



Spring 1999 - At this point I weigh about what I weigh above, but with a difference. I lost a bunch of fat and gained muscle and strength. Spring 1999 - I'll be honest, the angle is still important...these are the best of several pictures taken this spring/summer. But the difference from last summer is still rather evident.

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Cyndi Norwitz / webmaster@immuneweb.org / Last Modified: 8/12/99