Green Party Sites:
Green Party of the United States
Katrina Disaster Community Support
-- Green Party of New Jersey. This is intended to be a sort of "switchboard"
to connect resources to needs. There are forms for folks in the Katrina-affected
areas to enter needs and forms for community organizers to let us know
of "stuff" drop-off points and other activities and forms to donate stuff
or volunteer.
Minnesota Coalition to Aid Hurricane Katrina
Survivors -- 651 210-0789
North Serves South
Mission from Minnesota
651 255-2184
Muslim Youth Movement
Green Parties of Minnesota, Wisconson, New Jersey, and Illinois
relief: Local efforts raise money and seek housing for hurricane victims
New Paltz Times, September 8, 2005
New Paltz deputy mayor Rebecca Rotzler
Village Hall, 255-0130, or at home, 255-3122 or write to her at
Rotzler has been organizing local volunteers to help with the Florida
Green Party's efforts to establish a campground in the northern region
of that state for those made homeless by the hurricane. "We're setting
it up for 50 to 100, though if it gets bigger, that's all right. Our objective
is to put people there and make sure they're healthy, and to provide computers
and phones, so they can have access to do whatever they need to, in terms
of contacting family members," she explains...Rotzler is also working,
together with New Paltz town board member Kitty Brown, to find temporary
homes for the victims. "I've talked to Kitty, and we've determined that
people should expect a commitment of up to three months," Rotzler adds.
A woman in New Jersey has already offered her home, and Rotzler is hoping
for others to come forward as well. "Also, for those who are volunteering
to work at the camp itself, we're going to look for a local physician
to give vaccinations to people before they go down, if they request,"
Rotzler adds.
Sites Recommended by the Green Party:
National LGBT Youth and Family
Groups Establish Hurricane
Katrina LGBT Relief Fund
Making Shelters
Safe for Transgender Evacuees -- From The
National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)