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Immune Web Classifieds
Frequently Asked Questions

Classified Ads for the Immune Community
Submit your own classified ad

Commercial vs Noncommercial Ads
Submitting Personals
Locations in Ads
Anonymous Mailboxes
Misc Questions

Commercial vs Noncommercial Ads

Our organization charges a small fee for our classes/meetings/etc but it is only to cover our costs, not to make a profit. Is our ad commercial or noncommercial?


What is the difference between a conference and a seminar? Both charge fees.

Conferences share medical knowledge, research results, and other information and bring together members of a community. We allow their announcement free as a service to the community. Seminars are like classes and are run for profit, so they are commercial ads.

I run a tiny business out of my home to supplement my income. Is my ad commercial or noncommercial?


I make extra money reselling new or used items I buy elsewhere. Is my ad commercial or noncommercial?


What is the difference between employment offered and a business opportunity?

If there is an actual position to fill with set duties and pay, that is employment offered. Because jobs for disabled workers are so hard to come by, we allow these ads free as a service to the community. Business opportunities are services that help you find employment or set up your own business; this includes services that hire homeworkers. Therefore, they are commercial ads.

Ads that recruit people to "work at home" or that say "typists needed" are commercial ads and belong under business opportunities. I get dozens of ads like this every week (never with a payment). I delete them.

My ad technically counts as commercial but I'd like you to grant me an exception.

Please write classifieds@immuneweb.org and explain your situation.

I'm still not sure where my ad fits.

Please write classifieds@immuneweb.org and explain your situation.

Submitting Personals

What content restrictions do you have regarding personals?

You can hint at just about anything but please keep your language rated G to PG.

Why do you make local friends and penpals separate categories? What's the difference?

The Immune Web is an international site. If you want to correspond via email, snail mail, or telephone, choose penpals. If you want to meet people face to face (or on the phone without long distance charges), choose local friends and be sure to state your location.

Locations in Ads

Do I have to list my location?

The location in certain ads is not optional. I will not post any ad that does not give the location if the ad requires one (housing, employment, local friends, personals looking for local people, announcements for local events, sale of large items, etc). You do not need to give your exact address, just an idea. Remember, Immune Web is international. The people reading your ad could live next door to you or they could live halfway around the world. Don't make them write you to find out which it is.

What are acceptable ways of listing my location?

If you have housing, a job, or an item for sale in a specific location, give the city and state, or city (and Providence) and country for outside the US. For example: "San Jose, Calif" or "Toronto, Canada." If you're looking for housing, employment, or items for sale, give the locations where you would be will to go. For example: "San Francisco Bay Area only," "Eastern Australia," or "anywhere in Canada."

Anonymous Mailboxes

How do the anonymous mailboxes work?

If for some reason you don't want to use your real email address in your ad, you may request an anonymous mailbox. It will be in the form of box###@immuneweb.org, where the ### are 3 numbers we choose. Any mail sent to that box will be automatically forwarded to your real email address. There is no way to access it directly.

Can I use my anonymous mailbox outside of Immune?

No. You may not use your Immune mailbox as a "From" address or in any way not directly connected with this ad.

Can a commercial ad use an anonymous mailbox?


I already have an anonymous mailbox from Immune and I'd like to place a new ad. Can I use the same box number?

Yes. Put the anonymous address you already have into the body of the ad.

I don't have email access, can I still use an anonymous mailbox?

No. You must have a real email address where we can forward your mail.

Misc Questions

Do you edit ads?

Yes. We shorten ads that are too long, fix typos and other errors, and make changes so the ads all have a similar format. If our editing changed the intent of your ad, please write us and explain.

I would like to make a change in my ad, how do I do this?

Write classifieds@immuneweb.org with the changes. Be sure to state the category your ad is in and quote the original so we can find it easily. Occasional changes to noncommercial ads are free. We will make changes to commercial ads for a small fee.

I don't want to run my ad anymore, how do I remove it?

Write classifieds@immuneweb.org with the request. Be sure to state the category your ad is in and quote the ad so we can find it easily.

I don't have email access, can I still run an ad?

Yes. You can fill out the ad form at the library or ask a friend to do it. You must include your phone number or snail mail address in the body of the ad so people have a way to contact you. If you have permission to use a friend's email so we can contact you with questions or to see if you want to keep the ad, that would make things easier on us.

What are the dates at the end of every ad?

The date represents when we put the ad into the classifieds. If we make a change to the ad or if the advertiser asks us to continue running the ad, we update the date.

Can I include a picture as part of my ad?

No. But you are welcome to put a link to a website in your ad which can have all the pictures and additional text you want. If you are placing a commercial banner ad, it may have pictures.

Do I have to have a disability related to Immune in order to post a classified ad?

No. But most of the ads should have a connection to nontoxic products or to some sort of disability (all are welcome).

Submit your own classified ad

We now accept both commercial and noncommercial ads.
Noncommercial ones are free and commercial ads are available for a small fee.
You can place banner or line ads.
Commerical Advertising on Immune Web

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Cyndi Norwitz / webmaster@immuneweb.org / Last Modified: 10/26/02