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Organizations & Groups:

DISABILITY CAUCUS, GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES - All disabled Greens are invited to join in a Caucus to craft policy and resolutions regarding disability issues within the GP and the community at large. Join the associated mailing list at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/disabledgreens or send email to disabledgreens-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. For more information, contact Cyndi Norwitz at cyndi@tikvah.com. (12/3/05)

GERMAN/AMERICAN NETWORK ARTISTS WITH MCS is looking for members to join - either professional artists or devoted lay(wo)men are welcomed. We are 55 in number now, there are painters, authors, poets, musicians, video artists and a sculptress. The group has a homepage at www.artists-with-mcs.com. If you are interested, please contact founder Moon McNeill in western Germany (moonmcneill@web.de). (10/20/05)

FIBROMYALGIA COALITION INTERNATIONAL (FCI) is the nation's leading non-profit organization dedicated to the belief that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are reversible! FCI dispenses educational materials for FM/CFS support groups as well as individuals suffering from FM/CFS, their family, friends and health care providers. For further information or to subscribe to our free online newsletter visit http://www.fibrocoalition.org/. (11/5/05)


I'M LOOKING FOR AN OLD, DEAR FRIEND OF MINE. Her name is Cindy Kolb, she would be in her earlier 40's (sorry Cindy!) now (2005). Used to live in southern Florida back in the early 90's (and may still live there). When I knew her (early 90's) she suffered horribly with EI & chemical sensitivities. She was originally from the Buffalo, NY area. I would love to contact her, find out how she is & send her my love. Please help if you know her. Joel Henderson - email me at superjbomb AT hotmail DOT com (I'm trying to avoid spam - just substitute the words AT with @ and DOT with .) thanks! (10/15/05)

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Cyndi Norwitz / webmaster@immuneweb.org / Last Modified: 12/4/05