General Gardening and Landscaping
40th Anniversary Edition, Published 1995
Review: A must-have book if you live in the Western US. A good book
even if you don't. This is the most recent edition and the first update
in years. The gardening info sections are poorly organized in this
edition but it's the plant encyclopedia you buy the book for. Unlike
most gardening books, even ones written by authors in the Western
US, the Sunset guide gives watering instructions that take into account
our rainfall patterns (i.e., dry summers). Sunset has developed its
own set of zones, in conjunction with the Univ of California, and
they are far more useful than USDA climate zones. Each plant entry
tells you the zones it will grow in, watering, soil, and other specifics.
Even if you own more specialized plant books, buy this one to look
up what the other books leave out.
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Related Sunset books:
Sunset Western
Garden Book on CD-ROM for Windows Users 1997
Sunset Western
Garden Book on CD-ROM for Mac Users 1996; 1995 Version
Sunset National
Garden Book Paperback, 1997. The Western Garden Book expanded
with new zones and plant listings to cover the entire US and Southern
Canada. Some Easterners say the zones aren't always accurate, as USDA
zones seem to work well (best) for the East.
Sunset Western Landscaping Book, paperback, 1997. Companion to
Sunset Western Garden Book. Highly recommened.
Edible Landscaping, Fruits and Vegetables
Rosalind Creasy. Paperback, Published 1982
Review: This book gives information that's nearly impossible to
find elsewhere: how to use edible shrubs, trees, vines, and other
plants as ornamentals without losing food production. The plant reference
guide is the best part of the book and worth buying the book for alone.
You just won't find the information in other books. The general gardening
sections of the book are a bit pedantic and strident (she wrote the
book long before the trends changed in favor of gardening with edibles).
She also claims to prefer organic gardening but constantly suggests
pesticides and other chemical methods.
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Other books by Rosalind Creasy:
Blue Potatoes,
Orange Tomatoes Organic Gardening for Children, paperback, 1997
The Gardener's
Handbook of Edible Plants The plant reference guide section of
the Edible Landscaping book, 1986
Organic Gardener's: Edible Plants (Organic Gardeners, No 5) 1993
Duane Newcomb and Karen Newcomb. Published 1995
Review: Written for Californians but applicable to many other areas
as the authors come from cold-winter mountain regions. The first section
is overly analytical with little practical information about general
gardening. The value of this book is in its enormous annotated lists
of vegetable varieties, more than just about any other book we've
seen (and certainly the most varieties suitable for the West). Unfortunately,
the authors do not say which varieties do best in which subclimate
of the state; the few maps they provide are too small to read. If
you like to experiement with different vegetable varieties, this book
will be very useful to you.
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Other books by the Newcombs:
Postage Stamp Kitchen Garden Book, paperback, 1998
Apartment Farmer: The Hassle-Free Way to Grow Vegetables Indoors,
on Balconies, Patios, Roofs, and in Small Yards, 1976
Backyard Vegetable Factory: Super Yields from Small Spaces, 1988
Complete Vegetable Gardener's Sourcebook, 1989
Growing Vegetables
the Big Yield-Small Space Way, 1981
Postage Stamp Garden Book: How to Grow All the Food You Can Eat in
Very Little Space, 1975
for Your Vegetable Garden, 1982
Space, Big Harvest: Turn Your Small Garden into a Vegetable Garden
- Naturally!, 1993
Roger Phillips, Martyn Rix. Paperback, Published 1994
Review: Little to no cultivation information and what is there is
geared to UK growing. The worth of this book is in its pages and pages
of standard and unusual vegetable varieties with great pictures. Brief
history of native and cultivated plants around the world.
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Other books by Roger Phillips and Martyn Rix:
Indoor and Greenhouse Plants, Vol I, paperback, 1997. Volume II
The Random House Book of Bulbs, paperback, 1989. Standard reference
The Random House Book of Perennials: Early Perennials (Pan Garden
Plants Series), Vol I, paperback, 1992
The Random House Book of Perennials: Late Perennials (Pan Garden
Plants Series), Vol II, paperback, 1992
The Random House Book of Perfect Plants, paperback, 1997
The Random House Book of Roses, paperback, 1988
The Random House Book of Shrubs, paperback, 1989
The Best Scented Plants & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser
Series), paperback, 1998
Climbers for Walls & Arbors & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser
Series), paperback, 1998
Bulbs (The Pan Garden Plants Series), paperback, 1989
Early Perennials (The Garden Plant Series , Vol 1), paperback,
Late Perennials (The Garden Plant Series , Vol 2), paperback,
Herbs for Cooking & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser Series),
paperback, 1998
Plants for Pots & Potions & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser
Series), paperback, 1998
Plants for Shade & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser Series),
paperback, 1998
Roses (The Pan Garden Plants Series), paperback, 1988
Salad Plants for Your Garden & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser
Series), paperback, 1998
Shrubs (The Garden Plant Series), paperback, 1989
Summer Annuals & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser Series),
paperback, 1998
Traditional Old Roses & How to Grow Them (The Pan Plant Chooser Series),
paperback, 1998.
Vegetables: Over 650 Vegetables in Superb Colour (The Pan Garden
Plants Series), hardcover, 1993
Other books by Roger Phillips:
The 3,000 Mile Garden: An Exchange of Letters on Gardening, Food,
and the Good Life, hardback, 1996.
Paperback version.
Mushrooms of North America, paperback, 1991
Mushrooms: the Photographic Guide to Identify Common and Important
Mushrooms, paperback, 1996
Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe, hardcover,
Photographic Garden History, hardcover, 1996
A Photographic Garden History: A Personal Tour Around the Great Gardens
of the World, hardcover, 1995
The Quest for the Rose; A Historical Guide to Roses, Us ed., hardcover,
The Random House Book of Herbs, paperback, 1990.
The Salad Garden, paperback, 1996
Trees of North America and Europe/a Photographic Guide to More Than
500 Trees, paperback, 1993
Trees in Britain, Europe and North America, paperback, 1978
Wild Food: A Unique Photographic Guide to Finding, Cooking and Eating
Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Seaweed, 1983
Other books by Martyn Rix:
Bulb Book: A Photographic Guide to over 800 Hardy Bulbs, hardcover,
Growing Bulbs, 1983
Diane E. Bilderback, Dorothy Hinshaw Patent. Published 1984
Review: Limited to standard American fruits grown in cold winter
areas. Extra info for Northern growers; lots of hardiness tips. Most
of the information is found elsewhere but this is a good basic book.
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Other books by Bilderback and/or Patent:
The Book of Garden Secrets, paperback, 1997. Updated version of
Garden Secrets: A Guide to Understanding How Your Garden Grows and How You Can Help
It Grow Even Better, 1982
Gardener's Home Companion/How to Raise and Propagate More Than 350
Flowers, Herbs, Vegetables, Berries, Shrubs, Vines, and Lawn and Ornamental
Grasses, hardcover, 1991
The Harrowsmith Country Life Book of Garden Secrets: A Down-To-Earth
Guide to the Art and Science of Growing Better Vegetables, 1991
The Vanishing Feast: How Dwindling Genetic Diversity Threatens the
World's Food Supply (A Gulliver Green Book), hardcover, 1994.
For young adult readers
Where Food Comes from, 1991. For ages 9-12
The Challenge of Extinction (Environmental Issues Series), 1991.
For child readers
Specialized Edible Plant Books
Wilson Popenoe. Published 1974
Review: Original edition is from 1927 so the information in the
book is very old, mostly from around 1920. If you are looking for
uncommon tropical and subtropical fruit information though, this book
is about the only resource available. Detailed descriptions of cultivation
and propagation. Variety information (for what few cultivars existed
then), where in the US the plant is likely to survive and fruit, and
predictions about the future of each fruit in American agriculture.
Worth getting just for the historical value, but also an indispensible
reference. A few black and white photographs and drawings.
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Specialized Ornamental and
Misc Plant Books
Theodore B. Hodoba. Hardcover, Published 1996
Review: Provides a detailed description of desert gardening and
landscaping with an encyclopedia of Chihuahuan Desert native plants
with B&W drawings. Most useful to New Mexico gardeners but plenty
of info for others who wish to grow these plants or learn more about
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Dorothy Hargreaves, Bob Hargreaves. Paperback, Published 1970
Review: A useful resource. Use this book to round out more general
resources on tropical and semi-tropical plants. There are color pictures
for each listing, common names in several languages, latin name, native
range, and a brief paragraph of other information.
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Other books by the Hargreaves:
Tropical Trees:
Found in the Caribbean, South America, Mexico, paperback, 1965
Hawaii Blossoms Text and Color Photography, paperback, 1958.
Tropical Trees of Hawaii, paperback, 1940
The Butterflies of Britain and Europe, 1983
Tropical Blossoms of the Caribbean, 1960
African Blossoms, paperback, 1972
African Trees, paperback, 1972
Tropical Trees of the Pacific, 1970
Joyce Stewart (Editor), Mark Griffiths (Editor). Hardcover, Published
Review: Good, detailed information. Huge numbers of varieties of
orchids that aren't in other books.
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Organic Gardening
Mother Earth News. Paperback, Published 1989. Not currently available
through Amazon, but worth picking up used if you can find it.
Review: A useful and practical guide to the basics of organic gardening.
Great color pictures of various pests. Listing of common edible plants
and their major problems (and solutions).
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Gardening Technique
Christopher Brickell (Editor), David Joyce. Hardcover,
Published 1996
Review: Excellent reference. Detailed illustrations and descriptions
for a variety of plants. Basic intro to pruning plus some advanced
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Other books by Christopher Brickell:
The American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants,
hardcover, 1997
American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Garden Plants,
hardcover, 1989
The American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening,
hardcover, 1993
The Gardener's Companion, hardcover, 1995
Vanishing Garden: A Conservation Guide to Garden Plants, hardcover,
1987. 1989
Encyclopedia of Gardening Techniques, 1986
Step by Step Gardening Techniques, 1989
John M. Randall (Editor), Janet Marinelli (Editor). Paperback,
Published 1997 by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Review: The best definition of a weed I've ever seen is from this
book. The authors eschew the traditional defination of a weed as a
plant that is undesirable in the place where it grow in favor of one
that looks at the plants effect on the environment. Weeds are non-native
plants that are interfering with wildlife and native plant growth,
mainly because of their invasiveness. The book lists 50 or so weeds,
their impact, and how to remove them. Unfortunately, most of the authors
are Round-Up happy. Most at least expouse IPM (Integrated Pest Management)
methods though.
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Other books by Janet Marinelli:
Annuals: A Gardener's Guide/Handbook #133, Vol. 48, No. 4, Winter
1992 (Plants & Gardens, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record), 1993
Butterfly Gardens: Luring Nature's Loveliest Pollinators to Your
Yard, 1995
The Environmental Gardener: 1992 (Plants & Gardens Brooklyn Botanic
Garden Record, Vol. 48, No. 1 Spring, 1992), 1992
Going Native: Biodiversity in Our Own Backyards (Handbook, No 140),
The Natural Lawn & Alternatives (Plants & Gardens), 1993
A New Look at Houseplants (Bbg Gardening Guides), 1995
Salad Gardens: Gourmet Greens and Beyond (Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Publications), 1995
Stalking the Wild Amaranth: Gardening in the Age of Extinction,
Trees: A Gardener's Guide/1992 (Plants & Gardens Brooklyn Botanic
Garden Record, Vol. 48, No. 3, Autumn 1992, Handbook #132), 1992
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Gardener's Desk Reference, 1998